In the past, CEO Lloyd Blankfein has said that the firm closed its proprietary trading operations. 高盛CEO劳埃德•布莱克费恩早已宣布关闭自营交易业务。
At some banks there appeared to be a concerted effort to coordinate their rate reporting and their trading operations. 有些银行看上去还有协调利率提交和交易业务的安排。
In the course of this March, the current moves to open up small trading operations overseas are baby steps, but they are important to watch nevertheless. 在这个推进过程中,当前放开小规模人民币离岸交易的举动只是一小步,但不管怎样,仍是须关注的重要步骤。
The new company would also have trading operations in Britain, France and other European countries. 新的公司还将在英国,法国和其他欧洲国家开办业务。
The drop in investment banking fees contrasts with the trading operations of many banks, which enjoyed a resurgent quarter. 相较投行佣金收入下降,许多银行的交易业务在该季度出现复苏。
There is little debate anymore that Wall Street had become highly dependent on its trading operations. 毫无疑问,华尔街已经高度依赖交易操作。
Singapore also has tax laws that favor commodities trading operations and agreements with other countries that make it relatively easy to resolve trading disputes with companies elsewhere. 新加坡也推出了利于大宗商品交易的税法,并与其他国家签订了协议,因此在与其他地方的公司发生交易纠纷时,问题相对容易解决。
Goldman Sachs 'trading operations made money every single business day in the first quarter, a feat that was a first for the bank, but could fuel criticism of its business model and market behaviour. 高盛(GoldmanSachs)的交易业务在第一季度的每个交易日都实现了盈利,这是该行首次取得如此成就,但可能招致人们对其业务模式和市场行为的批评。
As technology was added to floor trading operations, automation of these flash capabilities occurred through systems such as block talk on the NYSE. 随着场地交易业务技术水平的提高,纽约证交所(nyse)的blocktalk之类的交易平台,具备了自动化的闪电交易功能。
Another option would be a breakup, separating the highly regarded advisory business from more volatile trading operations and hedge-fund businesses. 另一个选择可能是分拆公司,把外界高度看重的咨询业务和较为波动的交易操作和对冲基金业务分离开来。
For the second straight year, my total annualized compensation at one of the world's most successful trading operations was a grand total of$ 28,000. 在摩根斯坦利,这个全球最成功的投资机构之一,我连续第二年的年薪只有区区2.8万美元。
Maheras, who ran some of the bank's biggest trading operations. 还和经营着公司银行最大买卖的托马斯河过咖啡。
This will not only mean taxpayers will not have to stand behind risky trading operations, but that banks should be far less likely to fail in the future. 这不仅意味着纳税人将不必为高风险的交易业务买单,还意味着银行未来倒闭的可能性将大大降低。
T he biggest concern probably surrounds the growth of prop-style trading operations within hedge funds and private equity companies. 最严重的担忧可能围绕着对冲基金和私人股本公司内部自营风格的交易业务的增长。
Constellation started scrambling on Tuesday to find a buyer or secure an emergency capital infusion, when it became apparent that its investors were losing confidence in the stability of its commodities trading operations and credit ratings. constellation本周二开始努力寻找买家,或获取紧急注资,当时投资者已明显对其大宗商品交易业务的稳定性和信贷评级丧失了信心。
Germany's biggest bank is the first large institution to reveal what it expects to pay for the expected one-off tax in the UK, home to some of Deutsche's most profitable sales and trading operations. 在全球大型金融机构中,这家德国最大银行是首家披露将如何支付英国政府预期将征收的这项一次性税收的。英国市场集中了德意志银行一些利润最丰厚的销售与交易业务。
Trading operations in big banks aim for big profits because that is what the shareholders want. 大型银行的交易业务以高额利润为目标,因为这是股东想要的。
These exits have added to concerns that investment bankers are losing influence to those who have come up through the trading operations. 这些人的离去,使人们更加担忧:在与那些交易业务出身的人的竞争中,投资银行家们的影响力正在丧失。
Lehman Brothers 'sudden collapse, particularly in Europe where it had massive cross-border trading operations, left global markets in disarray as leading banks, hedge funds and other investors struggled to work out their positions. 雷曼兄弟的突然倒闭使全球市场陷入混乱,各大银行、对冲基金和其它投资者为弄清自己的地位费尽了心机。在雷曼进行巨额跨境交易的欧洲,混乱尤为严重。
Investment banks have reduced their proprietary trading operations while hedge funds no longer have ready access to credit. 投资银行已缩减其自营交易业务,而对冲基金不再有随手可得的现成信贷。
Loan facilities are offered to FPS licensees selling live poultry, and who choose to continue with their trading operations, to upgrade their facilities to improve sanitary and hygiene conditions. 选择继续经营的售卖活家禽新鲜粮食店持牌人可获提供贷款,以改善其设施的?生情况。
Goldman Sachs traders made more than$ 100m in revenues on each of a record 46 days during the second quarter, while losing money on just two days, the bank said yesterday, in a filing that underscored the strength of its trading operations. 高盛(GoldmanSachs)在一份强调其交易业务实力的文件中表示,第二季度,该行单日交易收入超过1亿美元的交易日达到创记录的46天,仅有两天亏损。
Goldman Sachs is considering offering so-called monoline insurance, as it explores new business areas ahead of incoming financial regulation expected to hit its lucrative trading operations. 高盛(GoldmanSachs)正在考虑提供所谓的单一险种(monoline)保险业务。高盛正努力在新的金融监管措施冲击其利润丰厚的交易之前开拓新的业务领域。
It was the fastest growing and most lucrative area of most banks 'entire bond trading operations. 这是多数银行整个债券交易业务中增长最快且盈利最为丰厚的领域。
Banking chiefs say they will pull three levers to achieve that objective: overhaul their trading operations, change geographical mix towards emerging markets, and reduce pay and staff levels. 投行业首席执行官们表示,他们将动用三种手段来实现这个目标:全面改革交易业务;改变资产的地理构成,向新兴市场倾斜;降低工资和人力水平。
A financial institution that concurrently conducts futures trading operations shall not open any customer margin account with a financial institution that it operates itself. 兼营期货业务之金融机构不得将其客户保证金专户开设于其所经营之金融机构。
Data shows that the algorithm can be used for the actual options trading operations, and can be extended to multi-compound option and real option pricing. 同时也表明该算法可用于实际的期权交易操作,并可推广到为多期复合期权及实物期权定价。
On the other hand, modern international trade center generally have six functions including port cargo distribution, commodity trading and pricing, trading operations and control, international exhibition and multinational purchasing, distribution center of domestic market, international shopping paradise. 另一方面,现代国际贸易中心一般具有口岸货物集散中心、大宗商品交易与定价中心、贸易营运与控制中心、国际展览与跨国采购中心、国内市场流通中心、国际购物天堂等六大功能。